



第一部分 口罩相关国内外标准

中国GB  2626-2006呼吸防护用品 自吸过滤式防颗粒物呼吸器Respiratory  protective equipment. Non-powered air-purifying particle respirator
GB  2626-2019呼吸防护 自吸过滤式防颗粒物呼吸器
GB/T  18664-2002呼吸防护用品的选择、使用与维护Selection,use  and maintenance of respiratory protective equipment
GB  19083-2010医用防护口罩技术要求Technical  requirements for protective face mask for medical use
GB/T  23465-2009呼吸防护用品 实用性能评价
GB/T  32610-2016日常防护型口罩技术规范Technical  specification of daily protective mask
YY  0469-2011医用外科口罩Surgical  mask
YY/T  0691-2008传染性病原体防护装备 医用面罩抗合成血穿透性试验方法(固定体积、水平注射)Clothing  for protection against infectious agents. Medical face masks. Test method for  resistance against penetration by synthetic blood (fixed volume, horizontally  projected)
YY/T  0866-2011医用防护口罩总泄漏率测试方法Total  inward leakage determination method of protective face mask for medical use
YY/T  0969-2013一次性使用医用口罩Single-use  medical face mask
YY/T  1497-2016医用防护口罩材料病毒过滤效率评价测试方法 Phi-X174噬菌体测试方法Evaluation  test method for the viral filtration efficiency (VFE)of medical protective  face mask materials. Test method using Phi-X174 bacteriophage
DB  50/ 107-2003医用纱布口罩
DB  62/T 518-1998一次性使用无纺布系列医疗卫生用品
DB  65/T 2028-2003医用脱脂纱布口罩Medical  purified ganuze mask
CNS  14258-1998呼吸防護具之選擇、使用及維護方法Guidance  for seclection use and maintenance of respiratory protective devices
CNS  14755-2003拋弃式防尘口罩Disposable  dust respirators
CNS  14756-2003附加活性碳拋弃式防尘口罩Disposable  dust respirators with activated – carbon
CNS  14774-2018醫用面(口)罩Medical  face masks
CNS  14775-2003醫用面罩材料細菌過濾效率試驗法─使用金黃色葡萄球菌生物氣霧Method  of test for evaluating the bacterial filtration efficiency (BFE) of  medical face mask materials, using a  biological aerosol of staphylococcus aureus
CNS  14776-2003醫用面罩對合成血液穿透阻力的試驗法─以已知速度定量的水平噴灑Method  of test for resistance of medical face masks to penetration by synthetic  blood (horizontal projection of fixed volume at a known velocity)
CNS  14777-2003醫用面罩空氣交換壓力之試驗法Method  of test for air exchange pressure of medical face mask
CNS  16076-2018呼吸防護裝置-全面罩-要求、試驗、標示Respiratory  protective devices. Full face masks. Requirements, testing, marking
国际ISO  22609-2004传染试剂防护服.医疗面罩.防人造血渗透的试验方法(固定容积,水平注射)Clothing  for protection against infectious agents – Medical face masks – Test method  for resistance against penetration by synthetic blood (fixed volume, horizontally  projected)
欧洲EN  136-1998+AC-2003呼吸保护装置 全面罩 要求、测试和标记Respiratory  protective devices. Full face masks. Requirements,testing,marking
EN  140-1998+AC-1999呼吸保护装置 半面罩和1/4面罩式 要求、测试和标记Respiratory  protective devices. Half masks and quarter masks.  Requirements,testing,marking
EN  143-2000呼吸保护装置 – 粒子滤波 – 要求、测试、标识Respiratory  protective devices. Particle filters. Requirements,testing,marking Including  corrigenda July 2002 and March 2005;Including Amendment A1:June 2006
EN  149-2001呼吸防护装置.颗粒防护用过滤半面罩.要求、检验和标记Respiratory  protective devices – Filtering half masks to protect against particles –  Requirements testing marking
EN  149-2001+A1-2009呼吸保护装置 颗粒防护用过滤半遮罩  要求、测试和标记Respiratory  protective devices. Filtering half masks to protect against particles.  Requirements,testing,marking
EN  529-2005呼吸保护器  选择、使用、维护和保养建议  指导性文件Respiratory  protective devices. Recommendations for selection,use,care and maintenance.  Guidance document Supersedes CR 529:1993
EN  12942-1998+A2-2008呼吸保护装置 全面罩、半面罩或1/4面罩式动力过滤装置 要求、测试和标记Respiratory  protective devices. Power assisted filtering devices incorporating full face  masks,half masks or quarter masks. Requirements,testing,marking
EN  14387-2004+A1-2008呼吸保护装置 气体过滤器和组合过滤器  要求、测试和标记Respiratory  protective devices. Gas filter(s) and combined filter(s).  Requirements,testing,marking
EN  14683-2019+AC-2019医用口罩 要求和试验方法Medical  face masks – Requirements and test methods
美国ASTM  F1862/F1862M-2017医用口罩抗人工合成血渗透的标准试验方法(已知速度下固定体积的水平投影)Standard  Test Method for Resistance of Medical Face Masks to Penetration by Synthetic  Blood (Horizontal Projection of Fixed Volume at a Known Velocity)
ASTM  F2100-2019医用口罩材料性能标准规范Standard  Specification for Performance of Materials Used in Medical Face Masks
ASTM  F2101-2019用金黄色葡萄球菌生物气溶胶评价医用口罩材料的细菌过滤效率(BFE)的标准试验方法Standard  Test Method for Evaluating the Bacterial Filtration Efficiency (BFE) of  Medical Face Mask Materials, Using a Biological Aerosol of Staphylococcus  aureus
ASTM  F2299/F2299M-2003(2017)用乳胶球测定医用口罩材料被微粒渗透的初始效率的标准试验方法Standard  Test Method for Determining the Initial Efficiency of Materials Used in  Medical Face Masks to Penetration by Particulates Using Latex Spheres
CFR  42-84-1995解释指南NIOSH颗粒物防护口罩的选择和使用指南NIOSH  Guide to the Selection and Use of Particulate Respirators
英国BS  EN 136-1998呼吸保护装置.全面罩.要求、试验、标记Respiratory  protective devices. Full face masks. Requirements,testing,marking
BS  EN 140-1999呼吸保护装置 半口罩和四分之一口罩  要求、试验、标记Respiratory  protective devices. Half masks and quarter masks.  Requirements,testing,marking
BS  EN 143-2000呼吸防护装置 微粒过滤器 要求、测试、标记Respiratory  protective devices. Particle filters. Requirements,testing,marking
BS  EN 149-2001+A1-2009呼吸保护装置 可防微粒的过滤式半面罩  要求、试验、标记Respiratory  protective devices. Filtering half masks to protect against particles.  Requirements, testing, marking
BS  EN 529-2005呼吸保护装置 选择、使用、保养和维护的建议  指导文档Respiratory  protective devices. Recommendations for selection,use,care and maintenance.  Guidance document
BS  EN 14387-2004+A1-2008呼吸防护装置 气体过滤器和组合过滤器  要求、试验、标志Respiratory  protective devices. Gas filter(s) and combined filter(s). Requirements,  testing, marking
BS  EN 14683-2019医用口罩 要求和试验方法Medical  face masks. Requirements and test methods
德国DIN  EN 136-1998呼吸保护器.全面罩.要求、检验、标志Respiratory  protective devices. Fullface masks. Requirements, testing, marking; German  version EN136:1997
DIN  EN 140-1998呼吸保护器.半面和四分之一面罩.要求、检验、标记Respiratory  protective devices. Half masks and quarter-masks. Requirements, testing,  marking; German version EN140:1998
DIN  EN 149-2009呼吸保护装置 过滤半面罩以防止颗粒物  要求,测试,标记;Respiratory  protective devices. Filtering half masks to protect against particles.  Requirements, testing, marking; German version EN149:2001+A1:2009
DIN  EN 529-2006呼吸保护器  选择、使用、维护和保养建议  指导性文件Respiratory  protective devices. Recommendations for selection, use, care and maintenance.  Guidance document; German version EN529:2005
DIN  EN 14683-2019医用口罩 要求和试验方法Medical  face masks – Requirements and test methods; German version EN  14683:2019+AC:2019
法国NF  S76-014-2009呼吸保护装置.颗粒防护用过滤式半面罩.要求、试验、标记Respiratory  protective devices – Filtering half masks to protect against particles –  Requirements, testing, marking
NF  S76-034-1998呼吸保护装置与防护罩或防护面具结合的带动力粒子过滤装置.要求,试验, 标志Respiratory  protective devices. Powered filtering devices incorporating a helmet or a  hood. Requirements, testing, marking.
NF  S97-166-2014医用口罩 要求和试验方法Medical  face masks – Requirements and test methods
NF  EN 140-1998呼吸保护装置.1/2 和1/4 防毒面具.要求,试验和标志Respiratory  protective   devices  –  Half   masks  and  quarter   masks  –  Requirements,  testing,   marking
NF  EN 12941-1998呼吸保护装置与防护罩或防护面具结合的带动力粒子过滤装置.要求,试验, 标志Respiratory  protective   devices.  Powered  filtering   devices  incorporating  a   helmet  or  a   hood.  Requirements,  testing,   marking.
澳大利亚AS/NZS  1715-2009呼吸保护设备的选择 使用和维护Selection,  Use And Maintenance Of Respiratory Protective Equipment
AS/NZS  1716-2012呼吸防护设备Respiratory  protective devices
日本JIS  T8062-2010预防传染性病原体的防护服.面罩.防止人造血浆渗透的试验方法(确定容量,水平注射)Clothing  for protection against infectious agents — Face masks — Test method for  resistance against penetration by synthetic blood (fixed volume, horizontally  projected)
JIS  T8150-2006呼吸防护器具的选择、使用及保管办法Guidance  for selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protective devices
JIS  T8159-2006呼吸防护面具漏泄率试验方法Leakage  rate testing method for respiratory protective devices
韩国KS  M 6673-2008防尘口罩Dust  respirators
KS  K ISO 22609-2018抗传染病防护服 医用口罩 合成血液抗渗透的试验方法(确定容量,水平注射)Clothing  for protection against infectious agents — Medical face masks — Test method  for resistance against penetration by synthetic blood(fixed volume,  horizontally projected)
越南TCVN  8389-1-2010医用口罩. 第1部分: 普通医用口罩Medical  face mask. Part 1: Normal medical face mask.
TCVN  8389-2-2010医疗口罩. 第2部分: 防细菌医用口罩Medical  face mask. Part 2: Medical face mask preventing bacteria.
TCVN  8389-3-2010医用口罩. 第3部分: 防有毒化学物质医用口罩Medical  face mask. Part 3: Medical face mask preventing of toxic chemicals
其他国家DS/ISO  22609-2005防病毒衣物. 医用口罩. 合成血液渗透性测试方法(确定容量,水平注射)Clothing  for protection against infectious agents – Medical face masks – Test method  for resistance against penetration by synthetic blood (fixed volume, horizontally  projected)
GOST  12.4.166-2018职业安全标准体系 呼吸保护装置  面具 一般规范Occupational  Safety Standards System. Respiratory Protective Devices. Facepiece. General  Specifications
GOST  12.4.285-2015职业安全标准体系 呼吸保护装置  防微粒过滤半面罩 一般规范Occupational  safety standards system. Respiratory protective devices. Filter self-rescuer.  General technical requirements. Test methods
GOST  12.4.294-2015职业安全标准体系 呼吸保护装置  面罩 一般规范Occupational  safety standards system. Respiratory protective devices. Filtering half masks  to protect against particles. General specifications
GOST  R 58396-2019医疗口罩 要求和测试方法Medical  Face Masks. Requirements And Test Methods
AS/NZS  1715-2009呼吸保护设备的选择 使用和维护Selection,  Use And Maintenance Of Respiratory Protective Equipment
AS/NZS  1716-2012呼吸防护设备Respiratory  protective devices
SANS  1866-1-2018医疗设备 第1部分 医用口罩Medical  devices Part 1: Medical face masks
SANS  50136-1998呼吸保护装置. 全面罩. 要求、测试、标记Respiratory  Protective Devices. Full Face Masks. Requirements, Testing, Marking
SANS  50140-1998呼吸保护装置. 半面罩和四分之一面罩. 要求、测试、标记Respiratory  Protective Devices. Half Masks And Quarter Masks. Requirements, Testing,  Marking
SS  548-2009选择、使用和维修呼吸保护装置Code  of practice for selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protective  devices
ABNT  NBR 13694-1996呼吸保护装置 半面罩和四分之一面罩  规范Respiratory  protective devices. Half masks and quarter masks. Specification
ABNT  NBR 13695-1996呼吸保护装置 全面罩 规范Respiratory  protective devices. Full face masks. Specification
ABNT  NBR 13698-2011呼吸保护装置 颗粒过滤半面罩Respiratory  protective devices. Filtering half mask to protect against particles
IS  14166-1994呼吸防护装置:全面罩Respiratory  protective devices : Full face masks
IS  14746-1999呼吸防护装置-半面罩和四分之一面罩Respiratory  Protective Devices – Half Masks And Quarter Masks
IS  9473-2002呼吸防护装置-防止颗粒的过滤半面罩Respiratory  Protective Devices – Filtering Half Masks to Protect Against Particles
UNI  EN 14683-2019医用口罩 要求和试验方法Medical  face masks – Requirements and test methods
IS  9623-2008呼吸防护装置的选择、使用和维护-规程Selection,  use and maintenance of respiratory protective devices – Code of practice
UNE  EN 14683-2014医用口罩 要求和试验方法Medical  Face Masks – Requirements And Test Methods

第二部分 手套相关国内外标准












GB  7543-2006一次性使用灭菌橡胶外科手套Single-use  sterile rubber surgical gloves
GB  10213-2006一次性使用医用橡胶检查手套Single-use  medical rubber examination gloves
GB/T  21869-2008医用手套表面残余粉末的测定Medical  gloves.Determination of removable surface powder
GB/T  21870-2008天然胶乳医用手套水抽提蛋白质的测定. 改进Lowry法Medical  gloves made from natural rubber latex.Determination of water-extractable  protein using the modified lowry method
GB  24786-2009一次性使用聚氯乙烯医用检查手套Single-use  medical poly (vinyl chloride) examination gloves
GB  24788-2009医用手套表面残余粉末、水抽提蛋白质限量Limit  for the removable surface powder and water-extractable protein of medical  gloves
YY/T  0616.1-2016一次性使用医用手套.第1部分: 生物学评价要求与试验Medical  gloves for single use.Part 1:Requirements and testing for biological  evaluation
YY/T  0616.2-2016一次性使用医用手套 第2部分: 测定货架寿命的要求和试验Medical  glove for single use.Part 2:Requirements and testing for shelf life  determination
YY/T  0616.3-2018一次性使用医用手套 第3部分: 用仓贮中的成品手套确定实际时间失效日期的方法Medical  gloves for single use.Part 3:Determination of real time expiration dating of  mature medical gloves stored under typical warehouse conditions
YY/T  0616.4-2018一次性使用医用手套 第4部分: 抗穿刺试验方法Medical  glove for single use.Part 4:Test method for the puncturation resistance
YY/T  0616.5-2019一次性使用医用手套 第5部分: 抗化学品渗透 持续接触试验方法Medical  gloves for single use Part 5: Test Method for Permeation of Chemicals under  Conditions of Continuous Contact
CNS  12543-1997外科手術用橡膠手套Surgical  rubber gloves
CNS  12837-1991一般医疗用聚氯乙烯手套Polyvinyl  Chloride Medical Gloves
CNS  12838-1991一般医疗用聚氯乙烯手套检验法Method  of Test for Polyvinyl Chloride Medical Gloves









ISO  11193-1-2008一次性医用检验手套. 第1部分: 橡胶乳胶或胶液制手套规范Single-use  medical examination gloves – Part 1: Specification for gloves made from  rubber latex or rubber solution
ISO  11193-1 AMD 1-2012一次性医用检验手套. 第1部分: 橡胶乳胶或胶液制手套规格.修改件1Single-use  medical examination gloves – Part 1: Specification for gloves made from  rubber latex or rubber solution; Amendment 1
ISO  11193-2-2006一次性医用检查手套. 第2部分: 聚乙烯(氯乙烯)制手套规范Single-use  medical examination gloves – Part 2: Specification for gloves made from  poly(vinyl chloride)
ISO  12243-2003医用天然胶乳手套  用改性格雷法测量可水萃取的蛋白质Medical  gloves made from natural rubber latex determination of water-extractable  protein using the modified lowry method first edition
ISO  21171-2006医疗专用手套.可移动表面粉末的测定Medical  gloves – Determination of removable surface powder










EN  455-1-2000一次性医用手套. 第1部分: 无孔试验和要求Medical  gloves for single use. Part 1: Requirements and testing for freedom from  holes
EN  455-2-2015一次性医用手套. 第2部分: 物理性能要求和试验Medical  gloves for single use – Part 2: Requirements and testing for physical  properties
EN  455-3-2015一次性医用手套 第3部分:生物评定要求和试验Medical  gloves for single use. Part 3:Requirements and testing for biological  evaluation
EN  455-4-2009一次性医用手套. 第4部分: 保质期测定要求和检验Medical  gloves for single use – Part 4: Requirements and testing for shelf life  determination
CEN/TR  16953-2017一次性医用手套. 选择指南Medical  gloves for single use – Guidance for selection
EN  ISO 21171-2006医疗专用手套.可移动表面粉末的测定 ISO 21171-2006Medical  gloves Determination of removable surface powder



















ASTM  D3578-2019橡胶检验手套标准规范Standard  Specification for Rubber Examination Gloves
ASTM  D5151-2006(2015)检测医用手套漏孔的标准试验方法Standard  Test Method for Detection of Holes in Medical Gloves
ASTM  D5250-2019医用聚氯乙烯手套的标准规范Standard  Specification for Poly(vinyl chloride) Gloves for Medical Application
ASTM  D6124-2006(2017)医用手套残余粉末的标准试验方法Standard  Test Method for Residual Powder on Medical Gloves
ASTM  D6319-2000a(2005)医用腈橡胶检验手套的标准规范Standard  Specification for Nitrile Examination Gloves for Medical Application
ASTM  D6319-2010医用腈类检验手套的标准规范Standard  Specification for Nitrile Examination Gloves for Medical Application
ASTM  D6319-2019医用腈检验手套规格Standard  Specification for Nitrile Examination Gloves for Medical Application
ASTM  D6355-1998(2003)医用手套人重复损害修补试验的标准试验方法Standard  Test Method for Human Repeat Insult Patch Testing of Medical Gloves
ASTM  D6977-2019医疗检查用氯丁橡胶手套的标准规格Standard  Specification for Polychloroprene Examination Gloves for Medical Application
ASTM  D6978-2005(2019)医用手套对化疗药物渗透阻力的评价的标准操作规程Standard  Practice for Assessment of Resistance of Medical Gloves to Permeation by  Chemotherapy Drugs
ASTM  D7102-2010测定无菌医用手套上的内毒素的标准指南Standard  Guide for Determination of Endotoxin on Sterile Medical Gloves
ASTM  D7103-2018医用手套评定的标准指南Standard  Guide for Assessment of Medical Gloves
ASTM  D7160-2016医用手套有效期测定的标准实施规程Standard  Practice for Determination of Expiration Dating for Medical Gloves
ASTM  D7161-2016测定典型仓库条件下存放的成熟医用手套实时有效期的标准实施规程Standard  Practice for Determination of Real Time Expiration Dating of Mature Medical  Gloves Stored Under Typical Warehouse Conditions
ASTM  D7907-2014测定医用检查手套表面杀菌作用的标准试验方法Standard  Test Methods for Determination of Bactericidal Efficacy on the Surface of  Medical Examination Gloves
ANSI/ADA  102-1998牙医用无菌丁二烯手套Non-Sterile  Nitrile Gloves for Dentistry
ANSI/ADA  103-2001牙医用无菌增塑聚氯乙烯手套Non-Sterile  Polyvinyl Chloride Gloves for Dentistry














BS  EN 455-1-2000一次性医用手套 无孔要求和测试Medical  gloves for single use. Requirements and testing for freedom from holes
BS  EN 455-2-2015一次性医用手套.物理性质的要求和测定Medical  gloves for single use. Requirements and testing for physical properties
BS  EN 455-3-2015一次性医用手套 第3部分:生物评定要求和试验Medical  gloves for single use. Requirements and testing for biological evaluation
BS  EN 455-4-2009一次性医用手套.第4部分: 测定货架寿命的试验和要求Medical  gloves for single use Part 4: Requirements and testing for shelf life  determination
BS  EN ISO 21171-2006医疗专用手套.可移动表面粉末的测定Medical  gloves – Determination of removable surface powder
BS  ISO 12243-2003+A1-2012医用天然胶乳手套  用改良的半细胞法测定水可萃取蛋白质Medical  gloves made from natural rubber latex. Determination of water-extractable  protein using the modified Lowry method
BS  PD CEN/TR 16953-2017一次性医用手套. 选择指南Medical  gloves for single use. Guidance for selection














DIN  58133-2008医疗压缩袜Medical  compression hosiery
DIN  EN 455-1-2001一次性医用手套. 第1部分:密封性要求和检验Medical  gloves for single use – Part 1: Requirements and testing for freedom from  holes; German version EN 455-1:2000
DIN  EN 455-2-2015一次性医用手套. 第2部分:物理特性用要求和试验.德文版本EN 455-2-2015Medical  gloves for single use – Part 2: Requirements and testing for physical  properties; German version EN 455-2:2015
DIN  EN 455-3-2015一次性医用手套. 第3部分:生物评定要求和试验;德文版本EN 455-3-2015Medical  gloves for single use – Part 3: Requirements and testing for biological  evaluation; German version EN 455-3:2015
DIN  EN 455-4-2009医用手套一次性使用 第4部分:保质期确定的要求和测试;Medical  gloves for single use. Part4: Requirements and testing for shelf life  determination; German version EN455-4:2009
DIN  EN ISO 21171-2006医疗专用手套. 可移动表面粉末的测定 (ISO 21171-2006)Medical  gloves – Determination of removable surface powder (ISO 21171:2006) English  version of DIN EN ISO 21171:2006-08


NF  S97-004-2006医疗专用手套. 可移动表面粉末的测定Medical  gloves – Determination of removable surface powder.





TIS  1056.1-2013一次性医用检查手套. 第1部分: 橡胶乳胶或橡胶溶液制手套规范Single-use  medical examination gloves part 1: specification for gloves made from rubber  latex or rubber solution
TIS  1056-2005一次性医用检查手套. 第1部分: 橡胶乳胶或橡胶溶液制手套规范Single.use  medical examination gloves.part 1: specification for gloves made from rubber  latex or rubber solution





TCVN  6343-1-2007一次性医用检查手套. 第1部分: 橡胶胶乳或胶液制手套规范Single-use  medical examination gloves.Part 1: Specification for gloves made from rubber  latex or rubber solution
TCVN  6343-2-2007一次性医用检查手套. 第2部分: 聚乙烯(氯乙烯)制手套规范Single-use  medical examination gloves.Part 2: Specification for gloves made from poly  (vinyl chloride)




























GOST  EN 455-1-2014一次性医用手套. 第1部分. 紧密性的测定方法Medical  gloves for single use. Part 1. Method for determination of tightness
GOST  EN 455-2-2014一次性医用手套. 第2部分. 物理特性的测定方法Medical  gloves for single use. Part 2. Method for determination of  physical-mechanical properties
GOST  R 52239-2004一次性医疗检查手套. 第1部分: 橡胶乳胶或橡胶胶浆制手套规范Single-use  medical examination gloves. Part 1. Specification for gloves made from rubber  latex or rubber solution
GOST  R 57397-2017医疗检查用橡胶手套. 技术要求Rubber  examination medical gloves. Technical requirements
GOST  R 57402-2017医用手套. 使用期限的测定Medical  gloves. Determination of expiration dating
GOST  R 57403-2017医用聚氯乙稀手套. 技术要求Poly(vinyl  chloride) medical gloves. Technical requirements
GOST  R 57404-2017医用手套. 质量评估指南Medical  gloves. Quality assessment guide
SANS  11193-1-2010一次性使用医用检查手套 第1部分:橡胶胶乳或橡胶溶液制成的手套规范Single-Use  Medical Examination Gloves Part 1: Specification For Gloves Made From Rubber  Latex Or Rubber Solution
SANS  15190-2016医用手套 安全要求Medical  laboratories – Requirements for safety
LST  EN 455-1-2001一次性医用手套. 第1部分:孔自由度试验和要求Medical  gloves for single use – Part 1: Requirements and testing for freedom from  holes
LST  EN 455-2-2015一次性医用手套. 第2部分: 物理特性的要求和检验Medical  gloves for single use – Part 2: Requirements and testing for physical  properties
LST  EN 455-3-2015一次性医用手套. 第3部分: 生物评价的要求和试验Medical  gloves for single use – Part 3: Requirements and testing for biological  evaluation
LST  EN ISO 21171-2006医用手套表面残余粉末的测定(ISO 21171-2006)Medical  gloves – Determination of removable surface powder (ISO 21171:2006)
SNI  ISO 11193.1-2010一次性医用检验手套. 第1部分:用橡胶乳和胶液制成的手套规范Single-use  medical examination gloves – Part 1: Specification for gloves made from  rubber latex or rubber solution
SNI  ISO 11193.2-2010一次性医用检查手套. 第2部分: 聚氯乙烯制成的手套规格Single-use  medical examination gloves – Part 2: Specification for gloves made from  poly(vinyl chloride)
STN  EN 455-1-2002一次性医用手套. 第1部分: 指孔间自由度的要求和试验Medical  gloves for single use. Part 1: Requirements and testing for freedom from  holes
STN  EN 455-2-2015一次性医用手套. 第2部分: 物理特性的要求和检验Medical  gloves for single use – Part 2: Requirements and testing for physical  properties
STN  EN 455-4-2009一次性医用手套. 第4部分: 测定货架寿命的要求和试验Medical  gloves for single use – Part 4: Requirements and testing for shelf life  determination
ABNT  NBR ISO 11193-1-2009/Amd 1-2015一次性医用检验手套。第1部分:用胶乳或胶水制成的手套规范
ABNT  NBR ISO 11193-1-2015一次性医用检验手套Single-use  medical examination gloves
ABNT  NBR ISO 11193-2-2013一次性使用的医疗检查手套 第2部分:由聚氯乙烯制成的手套Single-use  medical examination gloves Part 2: Specification for gloves made from poly  (vinyl chloride)
DS/EN  455-3-2007一次性使用医用手套第3部分:生物学评价要求和测试Medical  gloves for single use – Part 3: Requirements and testing for biological  evaluation
DS/EN  ISO 21171-2006医用手套可移动表面粉末的测定Medical  gloves – Determination of removable surface powder


第三部分 防护服相关国内外标准

中国GB  19082-2009医用一次性防护服技术要求Technical  requirements for single-use protective clothing for medical use
GB/T  20097-2006防护服一般要求Protective  clothing – General requirements
YY  0318-2000医用诊断X射线辐射防护器具.第3部分:防护服和性腺防护器具Protective  device against diagnostic medical X-radiation.Part 3:Protective clothing and  protective devices for gonads
YY/T  0506.1-2005病人、医护人员和器械用手术单、手术衣和洁净服  第1部分:制衣厂、处理厂和产品的通用要求Surgical  drapes,gowns and clean air suits for patients,clinical staff and equipment.  Part 1:General requirements for manufacturers,processors and products
YY/T  0506.2-2016病人、医护人员和器械用手术单、手术衣和洁净服  第2部分:性能要求和试验方法Surgical  drapes,gowns and clean air suits for patients,clinical staff and equipment.  Part 2: Performance requirements and test methods
YY/T  0506.4-2016病人、医护人员和器械用手术单、手术衣和洁净服  第4部分:干态落絮试验方法Surgical  drapes, gowns and clean air suits for patients, clinical staff and equipment.  Part 4: Test method for linting in the dry state
YY/T  0506.5-2009病人、医护人员和器械用手术单、手术衣和洁净服  第5部分:阻干态微生物穿透试验方法Surgical  drapes,gowns and clean air suits for patients,clinical staff and equipment.  Part 5:Test method for resistance to dry microbial penetration
YY/T  0506.6-2009病人、医护人员和器械用手术单、手术衣和洁净服  第6部分:阻湿态微生物穿透试验方法Surigical  drapes,gowns and clean air suits,used as medical devices,for  patients,clinical staff and equipment. Part 6:Test method to determine the resistance  to wet bacterial penetration
YY/T  0506.7-2014病人、医护人员和器械用手术单、手术衣和洁净服  第7部分:洁净度-微生物试验方法Surgical  drapes,gowns and clean air suits for patients,clinical staff and equipment.  Part 7:Test methods for determination of cleanliness-mircrobial
YY/T  0506.8-2019病人、医护人员和器械用手术单、手术衣和洁净服  第8部分:产品专用要求Surgical  drapes,gowns and clean air suits for patients,clinical staff and equipment.  Part 8-Special requirements for products
YY/T  0689-2008血液和体液防护装备.防护服材料抗血液传播病原体穿透性能测试.Phi-X174噬菌体试验方法Clothing  for protection against contact with blood and body fluids.Determination of  resistance of protective clothing materials to penetration by blood-borne  pathogens.Test method using Phi-X174 bacteriophage
YY/T  0699-2008液态化学品防护装备.防护服材料抗加压液体穿透性能测试方法Clothing  for protection against liquid chemicals.Determination of the resistance of  protective clothing materials to penetration by liquids under pressure
YY/T  0700-2008血液和体液防护装备.防护服材料抗血液和体液穿透性能测试.合成血试验方法Clothing  for protection against contact with blood and body fluids.Determination of  the resistance of protective clothing materials to penetration by blood and  body fluids.Test method using synthetic blood
YY/T  1425-2016血液和体液防护装备.防护服材料抗血液和体液穿透性能测试.合成血试验方法Clothing  for protection against contact with blood and body fluids.Determination of  the resistance of protective clothing materials to penetration by blood and  body fluids.Test method using synthetic blood
YY/T  1498-2016医用防护服的选用评估指南Guideline  for evaluation of selection and use of medical protective clothing
YY/T  1499-2016医用防护服的液体阻隔性能和分级Liquid  barrier performance and classification of protective apparel intended for use  in health care facilities
YY/T  1632-2018医用防护服材料的阻水性:冲击穿透测试方法Water  resistance of textiles for medical protective apparel.Impact penetration test
国际ISO  16603-2004防止接触血液和体液的防护服.防护服材料防止血液和体液渗透性的测定.使用人造血液的试验方法Clothing  for protection against contact with blood and body fluids – Determination of  the resistance of protective clothing materials to penetration by blood and  body fluids – Test method using synthetic blood
ISO  16604-2004防止接触血液和体液的防护服.防护服材料防止血液病原渗透性的测定.使用Phi-X 174噬菌体的试验方法Clothing  for protection against contact with blood and body fluids – Determination of  resistance of protective clothing materials to penetration by blood-borne  pathogens – Test method using Phi-X 174 bacteriophage
ISO  22609-2004传染试剂防护服.医疗面罩.防人造血渗透的试验方法(固定容积,水平喷射)Clothing  for protection against infectious agents – Medical face masks – Test method  for resistance against penetration by synthetic blood (fixed volume,  horizontally projected)
ISO  22612-2005防传感病病原体的防护服  防干微生物侵入能力的试验方法Clothing  for protection against infectious agents test method for resistance to dry  microbial penetration first edition
欧洲EN  14126-2003防护服.防传病毒防护服的性能要求和试验方法.合并勘误表2004年9月Protective  clothing – Performance requirements and tests methods for protective clothing  against infective agents (Incorporating corrigendum September 2004)
EN  14126-2003+AC-2004防护服 抗感染防护服的性能要求和试验方法Protective  clothing. Performance requirements and tests methods for protective clothing  against infective agents
EN  ISO 22612-2005防传感病病原体的防护服  防干微生物侵入能力的试验方法Clothing  for protection against infectious agents. Test method for resistance to dry  microbial penetration ISO 22612:2005
EN  61331-3-2014医用诊断x射线辐射防护器具. 第3部分: 防护服, 护目镜和患者防护罩Protective  devices against diagnostic medical X-radiation – Part 3: Protective clothing@  eyewear and protective patient shields
美国AAMI  PB70-2012FDA认可的用于卫生保健设施的防护服和防护单的液体阻隔性能及分类Liquid  barrier performance and classification of protective apparel and drapes  intended for use in health care facilities FDA RECOGNIZED
ANSI/PB70-2012旨在用于医疗保健设施的防护服和防护层的液体屏障性能和分类(FDA认可)Liquid  barrier performance and classification of protective apparel and drapes intended  for use in health care facilities (FDA RECOGNIZED)
ANSI/AAMI  PB70-2012医疗保健设施中使用的防护服和防护布的液体阻挡层性能和分类Liquid  barrier performance and classification of protective apparel and drapes  intended for use in health care facilities
ANSI/NFPA  1999-2008急救医疗手术用防护服的标准Standard  on Protective Clothing for Emergency Medical Operations
ASTM  F903-2018防护服用材料耐液体渗透性的试验方法Standard  Test Method for Resistance of Materials Used in Protective Clothing to  Penetration by Liquids
ASTM  F1670/F1670M-2017a防护服材料对合成血液渗透的阻力的标准试验方法Standard  Test Method for Resistance of Materials Used in Protective Clothing to  Penetration by Synthetic Blood
ASTM  F1671/F1671M-2013使用Phi-X174噬菌体渗透作为试验系统的血源性病原体对防护服使用的抗渗透材料用标准试验方法Standard  Test Method for Resistance of Materials Used in Protective Clothing to  Penetration by Blood-Borne Pathogens Using Phi-X174 Bacteriophage Penetration  as a Test System
ASTM  F2878-2019防护服材料耐皮下注射针头剌破性试验方法Standard  Test Method for Protective Clothing Material Resistance to Hypodermic Needle  Puncture
ASTM  F3050-2017个人防护服及设备合格评定指南Standard  Guide for Conformity Assessment of Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment
NFPA  1999-2018紧急医疗服务用防护服和服装标准Standard  on Protective Clothing and Ensembles for Emergency Medical Operations  (Effective Date: 8/21/2017)
英国BS  EN 14325-2018化学药品防护服 化学防护服装材料、缝合线、联结和组合的试验方法和性能分类Protective  clothing against chemicals. Test methods and performance classification of  chemical protective clothing materials,seams,joins and assemblages
BS  EN 61331-3-2014防医疗诊断用X射线的防护装置. 防护服, 护目镜和患者防护罩Protective  devices against diagnostic medical X-radiation. Protective clothing, eyewear  and protective patient shields
BS  EN ISO 13688-2013防护服 通用要求Protective  clothing. General requirements
BS  EN ISO 22612-2005传染介质防护服.防干微生物渗入的试验方法Clothing  for protection against infectious agents. Test method for resistance to dry  microbial penetration
BS  ISO 16603-2004防止接触血液和体液的防护服.防护服材料防止血液和体液渗透性的测定.使用人造血液的试验方法Clothing  for protection against contact with blood and body fluids. Determination of  the resistance of protective clothing materials to penetration by blood and  body fluids. Test method using synthetic blood
德国DIN  EN 61331-3-2016防医疗诊断用X射线的防护装置.第3部分:防护服,护目镜和患者防护罩(IEC  61331-3-2014).德文版本EN 61331-3-2014Protective  devices against diagnostic medical X-radiation – Part 3: Protective clothing,  eyewear and protective patient shields (IEC 61331-3:2014); German version EN  61331-3:2014
DIN  EN ISO 22612-2005防传感病病原体的防护服  防干微生物侵入能力的试验方法Clothing  for protection against infectious agents. Test method for resistance to dry  microbial penetration (ISO22612:2005); German version ENISO22612:2005
日本JIS  T8060-2015血液和体液接触的防护用服装.血液和体液渗透防护服装材料Clothing  for protection against contact with blood and body fluids — Determination of  the resistance of protective clothing materials to penetration by blood and  body fluids — Test method using synthetic blood
JIS  T8061-2015防止接触血液和体液的防护服  测定防护服材料对血源性病原体渗透的抵抗力 使用Phi-X174噬菌体的测试方法Clothing  for protection against contact with blood and body fluids. Determination of  resistance of protective clothing materials to penetration by blood-borne  pathogens. Test method using Phi-X174 bacteriophage
JIS  T8062-2010预防传染性病原体的防护服.面罩.防止人造血浆渗透的试验方法(确定容量,平行注射)Clothing  for protection against infectious agents — Face masks — Test method for  resistance against penetration by synthetic blood (fixed volume, horizontally  projected)
JIS  T61331-3-2016医疗诊断用X射线防护装置. 第3部分: 防护服, 护目镜和患者防护罩Protective  devices against diagnostic medical X-radiation — Part 3: Protective  clothing, eyewear and protective patient shields
韩国KS  K ISO 22609-2012传染试剂防护服.医疗面罩.防人造血渗透的试验方法(固定容积、水平喷射)Clothing  for protection against infectious agents-Medical face masks-Test  method for resistance against penetration by synthetic blood(fixed volume,  horizontally projected)
其他国家DS/EN  61331-3-1999防止诊断医疗X射线辐射的保护装置 – 第3部分:生殖器防护服和保护装置Protective  devices against diagnostic medical X-radiation – Part 3: Protective clothing  and protective devices for gonads
GOST  R 57493-2017医疗器械. 放射科材料防护服. 政府采购技术要求Medical  devices. Protective garments for radiology department stuff. Technical  requirements for governmental purchases
GOST  R 57503-2017医疗器械. 放射科患者防护服. 政府采购技术要求Medical  devices. Protective garments for radiology department patients. Technical  requirements for governmental purchases
ABNT  NBR IEC 61331-3-2004防护服和性腺防护装置-对诊断医用X射线防护装置第3部分Protective  devices against diagnostic medical X-radiation Part 3- Protective clothing  and protective devices for gonads
LST  EN 61331-3-2014医用诊断x射线辐射防护器具. 第3部分: 防护服, 护目镜和患者防护罩(IEC  61331-3-2014)Protective  devices against diagnostic medical X-radiation – Part 3: Protective clothing,  eyewear and protective patient shields (IEC 61331-3:2014)
UAE.S/GSO  ISO 22609-2010传染试剂防护服.医疗面罩.防人造血渗透的试验方法(固定容积,水平喷射)Clothing  for protection against infectious agents -Medical face masks – Test method  for resistance against penetration by synthetic blood (fixed volume,  horizontally projected)
STN  EN 61331-3-2001医用诊断X射线辐射防护器具. 第3部分: 防护服和性腺防护器具Protective  devices against diagnostic medical X-radiation. Part 3: Protective clothing  and protective devices for gonads
STN  EN 61331-3-2015医用诊断X射线辐射防护器具. 第3部分: 防护服, 护目镜和患者防护罩Protective  devices against diagnostic medical X-radiation – Part 3: Protective clothing,  eyewear and protective patient shields
IS  16545-2016防止接触血液和体液的衣服-血传播致病菌对防护服材料渗透性的测定-Phi-X174噬菌体试验方法Clothing  for Protection Against Contact with Blood and Body Fluids – Determination of  Resistance of Protective Clothing Materials to Penetration by Blood-Borne  Pathagens – Test Method Using Phi-X174 Bacteriophage
IS  16546-2016防止接触血液和体液的衣服-血液和体液渗透性测定防护服材料的渗透性-合成血液的试验方法Clothing  for Protection Against Contact with Blood and Body Fluids – Determination of  the Resistance of Protective Clothing Materials to Penetration by Blood and  Body Fluids – Test Method Using Synthetic Blood
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